
Are Glass Soap Dispensers Better than Plastic?

Posted by Rail19 on Mar 20th 2015

Are Glass Soap Dispensers Better than Plastic?

When choosing a soap dispenser for your home, you have many options for style, size and design. However, the first choice usually comes down to the two most popular material options: glass or plastic. You may wonder if there is a difference or if it really matters which kind you buy.

The Answer? Yes, and here’s why.

Glass is more sanitary because it does not absorb the chemicals from the soap. Some studies show that many plastics release substances that can be harmful to the environment and to people. Even if you just want to switch soaps and use one with a different fragrance, you will find that glass does not hold the scent of previous soaps. The fragrance from one scent can mix in with another in a plastic bottle and alter the smell. Glass easily washes out, leaving it odor-free. So whether you are switching soap scents, or soap to lotion or vise versa, glass would be your cleaner option.

Good for the Environment
Glass soap dispensers are better for the environment than plastic soap dispensers. When you use plastic and throw it away, it often ends up in landfill. Glass soap dispensers are refillable, reusable and in most cases, easier to clean. Pair this with homemade or environmentally friendly soap, and /or using a soap dispenser made from recycled glass and you are doing a lot of good for the environment.

Save Money
Glass may be more expensive for the initial purchase, but it saves money in the long run. It lasts longer so you don't have to replace it as often. Purchase a metal pump instead of a plastic one for even longer-lasting results.
Another way to save money with glass dispensers is by choosing a foaming metal pump. A foaming pump takes the liquid soap mix and aerates it to turn into foam that actually uses less for cleansing.

You don’t have to settle for Settling for an option like a plastic or acrylic soap dispenser. Instead, choosing a glass soap dispenser that fits in your budget and is stylish may be your best bet. It is far better to select a plain glass container than a fancy plastic one. No matter how you dress it up, it is still plastic. Glass in a simple style has a sense of elegance about it that makes it a great housewarming gift or wedding gift.

A soap dispenser is a great way to store your hand soap to save money and keep your counters clean. You will get even more benefits if you choose glass over plastic. And if you place them side by side on a counter, you will see how much nicer the glass looks. Cleanliness, Environmentally Friendly, Saving Money, and Style are really great reasons to make your selection glass.

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