
Olive Oil Based Soap DIY Recipe

Posted by Rail19 on Feb 19th 2016

Olive Oil Based Soap DIY Recipe

Olive Oil Based Soap DIY Recipe | Rail19 | Soap Dispensers

Olive oil is good for your health, and it also happens to be good for your skin as well. When you use an oil-based soap, you help hydrate and moisturize your skin, which will help you feel and look better. Making your own soap ensures you know all of the ingredients that go into the product. Here is a recipe that is easy to follow for your own olive oil soap.

Supplies Needed

  • 47 oz. olive oil
  • 32.9 oz. water
  • 9.39 oz. potassium hydroxide (evaporates during the saponification process to make it a natural soap)
  • 80 oz. more of distilled water for dilution
  • At least 1.5 oz. of essential oil or fragrance, up to 2.2 oz. if you prefer a stronger fragrance.
  • Slow cooker used only for making soap
  • Scale for measuring amounts
  • Stick blender
  • Bowls and spoons
  • Gloves and goggles for safety
  • Measure everything and have all items ready beforehand, so you aren’t delayed when it’s time to move to the next step.

Olive Oil Soap


  • 47 oz. olive oil
  • 32.9 oz. water
  • 9.39 oz. potassium hydroxide (evaporates during the saponification process to make it a natural soap)
  • 80 oz. more of distilled water for dilution
  • At least 1.5 oz. of essential oil or fragrance, up to 2.2 oz.


1. Weigh all of the oils to ensure accuracy.

2. Pour olive oil into the crock pot and allow it to heat up.

3. Pour 32.9 oz. of distilled water in a stainless steel bowl. Pour the hydrogen peroxide into the water slowly, wearing goggles and gloves.

4. Slowly pour the water mixture into the slow cooker and stir.

5. Stir with the blender. In about 1 ½ hours, the mixture should be thick and tracing the path of your blender. Let it set and stir about every 20 minutes.

6. You will need to switch from the blender to a heat-safe spoon and continue to stir regularly for about two hours.

7. To test, pour hot water in a clear glass cup and a bit of the soap. You should be able to see the bottom of the cup if it’s ready.

8. Put the soap mixture into the stainless steel pot and add the rest of the distilled water. Let set overnight.

Let it cure for about one month before using. This ensures all of the lye has evaporated and is a natural product. Please note : use caution and your best judgement when using soap making ingredients. Please test for any allergic reactions before using this or any other DIY recipe intended for external/internal use. 

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